Saturday, April 30, 2016


Masculinity is forced upon men just as much as femininity is forced upon women in Western society. Violence and power are two characteristics men must possess. Masculinity is represented by “aggression, physical strength, power, breadwinner, control/no emotion, competition, action, [and] dominance” (Lecture 13, Slide 4). Men must be “strong, loyal, humble, brave, and emotionally/sexually proper” (Lecture 4, Slide 3). In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and A Knight’s Tale, Sir Gawain and William Thatcher both leave “home to become a man by proving one’s loyalty, bravery, honesty, and skill” who “must pass the test to prove [their] masculinity” (Lecture 3, Slide 26).

Much like Sir Gawain and William Thatcher, the trainees in Full Metal Jacket, leave home by joining the Marines and must prove their “loyalty, bravery, honesty, and skill” and by doing so, prove their masculinity (Lecture 3, Slide 26). The trainees must use weapons and participate in violence and brutality within the Corps. Their rifle is a phallic symbol representing power “or a representation of the power associated with the possession of a penis” (Lecture 13, Slide 11). They repeat, “This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for killing, this is for fun” (Lecture 13, Slide 9). In the film, Private Pyle is seen as incompetent in all aspect of training until he can shoot a gun, then he becomes a man. On the other hand, Joker is emasculated when he couldn’t kill the sniper because his gun jams. 

As the rifle is a phallic symbol for the penis, Joker feels emasculated when he can't shoot his gun, as it also symbolizes that his penis doesn't function. Much like Joker, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction feel emasculated as they have experienced a loss of power, a key characteristic of masculinity. For example, one man suffering from erectile dysfunction said, "Having an erection is an integral part of your masculinity" ( ). In addition, the International Society for Sexual Medicine states:
Many men associate erections with their identity. Erections are tied to their masculinity and feelings of self-worth. So when erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs, they may lose confidence in themselves and in their abilities to please their partner. Depression and anxiety are common in men with ED and can affect not only the sexual relationship, but social and work activities as well.
Much like how Audre Lorde believed women should embrace their sexuality and eroticism, as it gives them power and emotional liberation, men need to do the same as functioning sexual organs also gives them power to embrace their masculinity. 

Bredin, R. (2016). Lectures 3, 4, & 13.

"How Does Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Affect a Man's Self-esteem?" ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine). Accessed April 27, 2016.

Orpen, Joy. "Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction: 'Having an Erection Is an Integral Part of Your Masculinity'" N.p., 02 Sept. 2015. Web. 30 Apr. 2016.

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